Vote Smart
Tech For UK
The essential guide to tactical voting in the 2019 Election, supercharge your vote for a brighter future.

Vote For Policies
Tech For UK
Compare what each party is promising to do - for the issues you care about.

Swap My Vote
Tech For UK
Swap your vote with someone in a constituency where it could count for more.

Student Voter
Tech For UK
Students can choose to vote at their home address, or where they live at university or college. Choose wisely for more impact!

Who Can I Vote For?
Tech For UK
Find out about candidates in your area.
whocanivotefor.co.ukby (Democracy Club)

Voting Counts
Tech For UK
Downloadable resources to boost Voter Registration events.

Teachers for Turnout
Tech For UK
Tools and resources for teachers to help their students register to vote.

Brits Abroad
Tech For UK
British, living abroad? Make sure you can vote, with this handy guide.

Who Targets Me
Tech For UK
Browser extension for learning which political parties targets you based on your social media adverts.

Proxy Vote Match
Tech For UK
Match with people who need someone to act as their proxy to vote for them.

Tech For UK
Last time 14 million people didn't vote. If they had, it might have flipped the result.

Network Vote
Tech For UK
All the things you need to get the "unheard third" of voters out to vote on 12th December.